

A3D’s new look: branding, logo and identity handbook

A3D’s constant evolution meant we needed to rethink our corporate image to better get across who we are and what we do. In this post we’ll tell you about this branding process in which we have devised a new identity handbook, logo and website.


The first step in mapping out A3D’s new communication strategy was in-house analysis of our brand, in particular looking at our website. We saw that although we are a BIM leader in Spain, most of our clients were still coming to us through word of mouth and not so much through search engines.

So we did some SWOT analysis which was crucial for defining A3D’s internal and external factors. Once we’d identified our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, the next step was to draw up a painstaking Digital Marketing Plan which would walk us through reshaping our brand.


To create A3D’s branding we partnered with cèl·lula, a design studio specialising in communication for companies and institutions. With them, we drew up an all-round vision of A3D which engendered a corporate identity handbook applicable to many different situations: website, advertising, conferences, etc.

In A3D’s new graphic design, we sought a look and feel that would conjure up six key concepts: technology, honesty, quality, knowledge, intelligence and decisiveness. In other words, an image which conveys thoroughness and precision.



The design studio came up with a logo with a very neat, predominantly white, image featuring a sans serif font free of unnecessary embellishments. This design was close to the international typographic or Swiss style which evokes an uncluttered and orderly world.

The previous logo emphasised the significance of the vertical stripes as specialised areas with hardly any contact between them. However, experience showed us that success comes when all aspects of the company are aligned with a common goal. Hence the perfect square and centred letters of A3D best reflect the spirit of where we are heading.

For the storytelling, the slogan “The right solution” was proposed as a strong statement of principles: the right solution and decision. It’s a tagline that anchors emotionally in the receiver’s subconscious and puts A3D at the forefront of its industry.

a3d logotipo car 1

End result

When we started to share the new logo, the feedback was overwhelmingly positive with one common remark: the new image is more robust and powerful in keeping with the company’s history. A3D has revamped its outward appearance to match its evolution.

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